Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulators, Rah Rah Rah!
I recently faced a little "asterisk" problem, which looks like it can be solved with some interesting ICs.
I needed to plan out some test instrumentation to capture voltage and current information over a short period of time. Nothing too fancy, 10 or 20kHz sampling rate, about a half-dozen channels sampled simultaneously or near simultaneously, for maybe 5 or 10 seconds.
Here's the "asterisk": Oh, by the way, because the system in question was tied to the AC mains, I needed some...
Oscilloscope review: Hameg HMO2024
Last year I wrote about some of the key characteristics of oscilloscopes that are important to me for working with embedded microcontrollers. In that blog entry I rated the Agilent MSOX3024A 4-channel 16-digital-input oscilloscope highly.
Since then I have moved to a different career, and I am again on the lookout for an oscilloscope. I still consider the Agilent MSOX3024A the best choice for a...
Two jobs
For those of you following closely embeddedrelated and the other related sites, you might have noticed that I have been less active for the last couple of months, and I will use this blog post to explain why. The main reason is that I got myself involved into a project that ended up using a better part of my cpu than I originally thought it would.
edit - video of the event:
I currently have two jobs: one as an electrical/dsp engineer recycled as a web publisher and the other...
Have You Ever Seen an Ideal Op-Amp?
Somewhere, along with unicorns and the Loch Ness Monster, lies a small colony of ideal op-amps. Op-amp is short for operational amplifier, and we start our education on them by learning about these mythical beasts, which have the following properties:
- Infinite gain
- Infinite input impedance
- Zero output impedance
And on top of it all, they will do whatever it takes to change their output in order to make their two inputs equal.
But they don't exist. Real op-amps have...
Hot Fun in the Silicon: Thermal Testing with Power Semiconductors
Here's a trick that is useful the next time you do thermal testing with your MOSFETs or IGBTs.
Thermal testing?!
Yes, that's right. It's important to make sure your power transistors don't overheat. In the datasheet, you will find some information that you can use to estimate how hot the junction inside the IC will get.
Let's look at an example. Here's a page from the IRF7739 DirectFET datasheet. I like this datasheet because it has almost all the thermal stuff on one page,...
10 More (Obscure) Circuit Components You Should Know
The interest in my previous article on obscure but useful electronics parts, "10 Circuit Components You Should Know" was encouraging enough that I thought I would write a followup. So here are another 10:
1. "Ideal Diode" controllers
Load-sharing circuits use diodes tied together at their cathode terminal to take the most positive voltage among the sources and connect it to a load. Works great: you have a DC/DC power supply, a battery, and a solar cell, and it will use whichever output is...
Oscilloscope Dreams
My coworkers and I recently needed a new oscilloscope. I thought I would share some of the features I look for when purchasing one.
When I was in college in the early 1990's, our oscilloscopes looked like this:
Now the cathode ray tubes have almost all been replaced by digital storage scopes with color LCD screens, and they look like these:
Oscilloscopes are basically just fancy expensive boxes for graphing voltage vs. time. They span a wide range of features and prices:...
Stairway to Thévenin
This article was inspired by a recent post on reddit asking for help on Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits.
(With apologies to Mr. Thévenin, the rest of the e's that follow will remain unaccented.)
I still remember my introductory circuits class on the subject, roughly as follows:
(NOTE: Do not get scared of what you see in the rest of this section. We're going to point out the traditional approach for teaching linear equivalent circuits first. If you have...
10 Circuit Components You Should Know
Chefs have their miscellaneous ingredients, like condensed milk, cream of tartar, and xanthan gum. As engineers, we too have quite our pick of circuits, and a good circuit designer should know what's out there. Not just the bread and butter ingredients like resistors, capacitors, op-amps, and comparators, but the miscellaneous "gadget" components as well.
Here are ten circuit components you may not have heard of, but which are occasionally quite useful.
1. Multifunction gate (
Analog-to-Digital Confusion: Pitfalls of Driving an ADC
Imagine the following scenario:You're a successful engineer (sounds nice, doesn't it!) working on a project with three or four circuit boards. More than even you can handle, so you give one of them over to your coworker Wayne to design. Wayne graduated two years ago from college. He's smart, he's a quick learner, and he's really fast at designing schematics and laying out circuit boards. It's just that sometimes he takes some shortcuts... but in this case the circuit board is just something...
Efficiency Through the Looking-Glass
If you've ever designed or purchased a power supply, chances are you have had to work with efficiency calculations. I can remember in my beginning electronic circuits course in college, in the last lecture when the professor was talking about switching power converters, and saying how all of a sudden you could take a linear regulator that was 40% efficient and turn it into a switching regulator that was 80% efficient. I think that was the nail in the coffin for any plans I had to pursue a...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 6. Self-Calibration Related.
This article will consider the engineering of a self-calibration & self-test capability to enable the project hardware to be configured and its basic performance evaluated and verified, ready for the development of the low-latency controller DSP firmware and closed-loop applications. Performance specifications will be documented in due course, on the project website here.
- Part 6: Self-Calibration, Measurements and Signalling (this part)
- Part 5:
Stability or insanity
I've just spent over two weeks getting ready to do my next video. It was a combination of one of those vast underestimations one occasionally makes, combined with falling into a bit of an obsession.
I am, at this point, not only wondering if it was worth it, but questioning my sanity in carrying on even when the going went beyond tough to just plain crazy.
At any rate, a good video needs a visual aid, and I decided that my video needed to demonstrate stability with a pendulum....
The New Forum is LIVE!
After months of hard word, I am very excited to introduce to you the new forum interface.
Here are the key features:
1- Easily add images to a post by drag & dropping the images in the editor
2- Easily attach files to a post by drag & dropping the files in the editor
3- Add latex equations to a post and they will be rendered with Mathjax (tutorial)
4- Add a code snippet and surround the code with
Sensors Expo - Trip Report & My Best Video Yet!
This was my first time at Sensors Expo and my second time in Silicon Valley and I must say I had a great time.
Before I share with you what I find to be, by far, my best 'highlights' video yet for a conference/trade show, let me try to entertain you with a few anecdotes from this trip. If you are not interested by my stories or maybe don't have the extra minutes needed to read them, please feel free to skip to the end of this blog post to watch the...
Finally got a drone!
As a reader of my blog, you already know that I have been making videos lately and thoroughly enjoying the process. When I was in Germany early this summer (and went 280 km/h in a porsche!) to produce SEGGER's 25th anniversary video, the company bought a drone so we could get an aerial shot of the party (at about the 1:35 mark in this video). Since then, I have been obsessing on buying a drone for myself and finally made the move a few weeks ago - I acquired a used DJI...
Helping New Bloggers to Break the Ice: A New Ipad Pro for the Author with the Best Article!
Breaking the ice can be tough. Over the years, many individuals have asked to be given access to the blogging interface only to never post an article.
What is Electronics
IntroductionOne answer to the question posed by the title might be: "The understanding that allows a designer to interconnect electrical components to perform electrical tasks." These tasks can involve measurement, amplification, moving and storing digital data, dissipating energy, operating motors, etc. Circuit theory uses the sinusoidal relations between components, voltages, current and time to describe how a circuit functions. The parameters we can measure directly are...
ESC Boston's Videos are Now Up
In my last blog, I told you about my experience at ESC Boston and the few videos that I was planning to produce and publish. Here they are, please have a look and any feedback (positive or negative) is appreciated.
Short HighlightThis is a very short (one minute) montage of some of the footage that I shot at the show & conference. In future shows, I absolutely need to insert clips here and there of engineers saying a few words about the conference (why they...
Helping New Bloggers to Break the Ice: A New Ipad Pro for the Author with the Best Article!
Breaking the ice can be tough. Over the years, many individuals have asked to be given access to the blogging interface only to never post an article.
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 5. Some FPGA Aspects.
This part of the on-going series of articles looks at a variety of aspects concerning the FPGA device which provides the high-speed maths capability for the low-latency controller and the arbitrary circuit generator application. In due course a complete specification along with application examples will be maintained on the project website here.- Part 5: Some FPGA Aspects (this part)
- Part 4: Engineering of...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 3. Sampled Data Aspects
Some Design and Simulation Considerations for Sampled-Data ControllersThis article will continue to look at some aspects of the controllers and electronics needed to create emulated physical circuits with real-world connectivity and will look at the issues that arise in sampled-data controllers compared to continuous-domain controllers. As such, is not intended as an introduction to sampled-data systems.
- Part 1: Introduction
Ancient History
The other day I was downloading an IDE for a new (to me) OS. When I went to compile some sample code, it failed. I went onto a forum, where I was told "if you read the release notes you'd know that the peripheral libraries are in a legacy download". Well damn! Looking back at my previous versions I realized I must have done that and forgotten about it. Everything changes, and keeping up with it takes time and effort.
When I first started with microprocessors we...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 6. Self-Calibration Related.
This article will consider the engineering of a self-calibration & self-test capability to enable the project hardware to be configured and its basic performance evaluated and verified, ready for the development of the low-latency controller DSP firmware and closed-loop applications. Performance specifications will be documented in due course, on the project website here.
- Part 6: Self-Calibration, Measurements and Signalling (this part)
- Part 5:
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 8. Control Loop Test-bed
This part in the series will consider the signals, measurements, analyses and configurations for testing high-speed low-latency feedback loops and their controllers. Along with basic test signals, a versatile IFFT signal generation scheme will be discussed and implemented. A simple controller under test will be constructed to demonstrate the analysis principles in preparation for the design and evaluation of specific controllers and closed-loop applications.
Additional design...April is Oscilloscope Month: In Which We Discover Agilent Offers Us a Happy Deal and a Sad Name
Last month I wrote that March is Oscilloscope Month, because Agilent had a deal on the MSOX2000 and MSOX3000 series scopes offering higher bandwidth at lower prices. I got an MSOX3034 oscilloscope and saved my company $3500! (Or rather, I didn't save them anything, but I got a 350MHz scope at a 200MHz price.)
The scope included a free 30-day trial for each of the application software modules. I used my 30-day trial for the serial decode + triggering module, to help debug some UART...
The New Forum is LIVE!
After months of hard word, I am very excited to introduce to you the new forum interface.
Here are the key features:
1- Easily add images to a post by drag & dropping the images in the editor
2- Easily attach files to a post by drag & dropping the files in the editor
3- Add latex equations to a post and they will be rendered with Mathjax (tutorial)
4- Add a code snippet and surround the code with
Stability or insanity
I've just spent over two weeks getting ready to do my next video. It was a combination of one of those vast underestimations one occasionally makes, combined with falling into a bit of an obsession.
I am, at this point, not only wondering if it was worth it, but questioning my sanity in carrying on even when the going went beyond tough to just plain crazy.
At any rate, a good video needs a visual aid, and I decided that my video needed to demonstrate stability with a pendulum....